• Women with Attention Deficit Disorder: Sari Solden

    Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults: Dr. Lynn Weiss

    A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD workbook: Sari Solder, Michelle Frank

  • DARE: The new way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks: Barry Mcdonagh

    Anxiety Disorder, the go to guide for clients and therapist: Carolyn Daitch

  • The Betrayal Bond: breaking free of exploitive relationships: Patrick Carnes and Bonnie Phillips

    Emotional Inheritance: Galit Atlas

    The Emotionally Destructive Relationship: Leslie Vernick

    Healing from Hidden Abuse: Sharon Thomas

    Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist: how to end the drama and get on with life: Margalis Fjelstado

    Boundaries: when to say yes, when to say no, take control of your life: Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend (there is a workbook as well)

    Emotional Sobriety: from relationship trauma to resilience and balance: Tian Dayton

  • Fierce Goodbye: living in the shadow of suicide: G. Lloyd Carr and Gwendolyn C. Carr

    Struck by Living: from depression to hope: Julie K. Hersh

    Conquering the Beast Within: how I fought depression and won….and how you can too – one teenager tells her inspiring story: Cait Irwin

  • Got parts? An insider’s guide to managing life successfully with dissociative identity disorder: ATW

    Dissociative Identity Disorder: Deborah Bray Haddock

    Coping with Trauma related dissociation: Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, Onno van der Hart

    Dissociation Made Simple: Jamie Marich

    Dear Little Ones: Jade Miller

  • Unburdening Souls at the Speed of Thought: Psychology, Christianity and the transforming power of EMDR: Dr. Andrew Dobo

    Getting Past Your Past: Francine Shapiro

    Every Memory Deserves Respect: EMDR, The Proven Trauma Therapy with the Power to Heal: Baldwin & Korn

    The EMDR Therapy Progress Journal: Dana Carretta Stein

  • The Invisible Prison: Evelyn Todd

  • Daring Greatly: Brené Brown

    Brené Brown on Empathy

    Self-Compassion: Kristin Neff

    Self-Compassion Website

    Therapy in a Nutshell:;

  • The Practice of Finding: Holly Whitcomb

    Anonymous, Jesus Hidden Years and Yours: Alicia Britt Chole

    Ruthless Trust: Brennan Manning

    Not Quite Fine: mental health, faith, and showing up for one another: Carlene Hill Byron

    Spiritual Direction: By Still Waters

    The Lord is My Courage: K. J. Ramsey

    Flunking Sainthood: Jana Riess

    Finding Spiritual White Space: Bonnie Gray

    Attached to God: Krispin Mayfield

    Mending the Soul (book and workbook: Tracy & Tracy

  • The Body Keeps the Score: Bessel van der Kolk

    Healing from Hidden Abuse: Shannon Thomas

    Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: Pete Walker

    The Betrayal Bond: Patrick J Carnes

    It Didn’t Start With You: Mark Wolynn

    Try Softer: Aundi Kobler

    Stop Caretaking the Borderline or Narcissist: Margalis Fjelstad

    My Grandmother’s Hands: Resmaa Menakem

    Managing Traumatic Stress Through Art: Cohen, Barnes, Rankin

    We all have Parts: Colleen West

    What These Bones Know: Stephanie Foo

    Trauma and Recovery: Judith Herman

    Mending the Soul: Tracy & Tracy


The Butterfly Hug

The Spiral Technique

The Amygdala Lever

The Gray’s 3 Protocol